Dr. Manuel Lérida Decker

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A new approach
Individual sessions with Systemic Approach are aimed to individuals who feel that something is going wrong, either in their lives or in their business. This new and unconventional method captures the full complexity of all the aspects of each individual’s life by accessing the Subconscious Mind and thus making visible what is hidden in the deepest part of any individual.

"Anybody who has an issue, also has the solution. Even if it is hidden in the deepest part of the subconscious mind"
Dr. Manuel Lérida Decker

Eliminating useless patterns
These individual sessions are especially for persons who want a method to eliminate restrictive patterns of thought and mind-sets, who suffer financial problems, desperateness, blockades, insecurities, fears or who face several times the same obstacle in love, or, family, or work, etc.

During this process my task is to support you to clarify your interests, requirements and needs to find effective solutions.
How does it work?
In an Individual Systemic Session of about 1,5 to 2 hours (or even more) we will configure, with the help of natural objects, your actual situation, giving you the possibility to express yourself on a conscious and especially on a subconscious level. Due to the outcome we then develop an effective and sustainable solution, in addition you will increasing your own awareness. The purpose of the work is to eliminate your personal, social, family, financial, health, job or organizational conflicts that affect your daily life, to restore harmony in your life.

Systemic Approach: evident and immediate
The session is used to identify problems in an evident and immediate way. Further, at the same time they show different possible solutions. It is a very effective tool for conflict resolution in any  interpersonal relationship or any difficult organizational situations.

See and understand the invisible/subconscious links
Together we reflect your roles and your concrete topics. Further, we check your personal environment like, family, relationships, your work-life-balance, your social life or even your financial or professional situation.

Then we look at your specific situations from different systemic perspectives, in order to find new ideas that enlarge your individual scope of actions.

My Systemic Approach is designed for people who find themselves in challenging situations, e.g.
  • Questions regarding your own life
  • Illnesses/diseases
  • Difficulties within the family, society, job
  • Suffering financial problems
  • Stress, burnout, work-life-balance
  • Fears and uncertainties
  • Blockades or insecurities
  • Facing several times the same obstacles
  • and much more!
Please do not hesitate to ask.

I'm the right person…
...if you’re really willing to assume the responsibility of your own life and also wish to develop yourself personally or professionally in an efficient and sustainable way, obtaining immediate results of greater impact. Please feel free to give me a call at +34 644 40 11 50 (or text or email me).

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