Born in 1967, technical basic education, B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Master of International Business, Ph.D. in Strategic Management, award winning "Entrepreneur of the year 2010 of the Valencian Community".
- bicultural, born and grown up in Germany with Spanish roots
- management functions in different companies, freelance business consultant and systemic coach
- Workplaces: Germany, Switzerland, Spain, USA, Austria, Liechtenstein
- Languages: English, German, Alemannic German, Spanish,
- Coach, Supervisor & Systemic Workshop Facilitador
Working with the Subconscious Mind
The Subconscious Mind that we work with is actually the polar opposite to the subconscious referred to by psychologists and medical professionals. We are communicating with a portion of the individuals’ consciousness; however, it lies far above the level of their conscious mind.
Some fascinating insights may occur in the client when the Subconscious Mind is allowed to come to the surface. The Subconscious Mind knows everything about the client and their life. I ask the client for his/her issues we go through the issues to make sure I understand their goals and aims.
Main Goal
The main goal of my work is to improve your life. The explanations given by the Subconscious Mind as to why people experience i.e. illnesses will challenge many people’s belief system. It is always advisable to be open minded and to stretch our belief systems. Many long held medical or scientific belief systems are beginning to fall away and are being replaced by new ideas, challenging the way we think.
Due to the many advances in Quantum Physics there is a strong body of scientific evidence which proves that thought has a direct effect on physical matter. Also, I refer to the Placebo Effect which has proven that “Mind over Matter“, really does exist.
It is important to note that healing can only occur if the individual wants it and it does not interfere with their life goals.
Furthemore, due to my interest in ancient wisdom I apply some ancient traditions, as i.e. mythologies of ancient European cultures and different forms of shamanism, especially the Hawaiian Huna, or knowledge and wisdom of the Australian Aborigines Dreamtime Healing, in my different works.

Dr. Manuel Lérida Decker (Ph.D.)
Torrevieja (Alicante, Spain)
For further information or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by:
Phone +34 644 40 11 50
Telegram, Viber or Signal &
Email mail (at) manuellerida (dot) org